FlameStar NightDarke

*Name* FlameStar NightDarke

*Age* 65, a young age for a dragon

*Gender* Female

*Species* Shifter Dragon

*Magickal Ability* Basic protecting and fighting spells, Rune Spells, Other Spellcasting, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Intuition, Invisibility, Creature Shifting

*Can shift into* Unicorn, other dragon species, Phoenix, Pegasi, Gryphon, Wolf, Faerie, Elf, Pixie, Angel, Human

*Size* Normally about 7 ft. long when not shifted

*Element* Fire

*Important Species Info* Shifter dragons and most other dragons possess extraordinary thinking powers, causing telekinesis and other mental ability to appear.

*Important General Info* FlameStar speaks in mind-speak or mind-whisper, directing her messages into a person's mind directly. This causes her speech to appear within stars (*).

*Background* FlameStar is a shifter dragon, honing the ability to shift into different beings within her magickal experience, such as wolves, fae, unicorns, phoenix, and pegasi. She comes from a line of great shifter dragons, all acquiring many forms within their experiences during their lifetimes. For her type of shifter dragons to acquire a new species to shift into they would study the creature and/or own one or observe one for a prolonged time, until they fully understand the being. She is friendly and predictable at times, but at others moody and shy. FlameStar keeps many secrets of her own and doesn't talk much sometimes. Her past is full of lack of friends and suffering from dark powers. Due to this, FlameStar is highly emotional and sensitive. As a child, she was abandoned by her parents after they taught her how to survive, neglected by two dragons claiming she was a mistake. Now, she studies and plays alone in her own creations, yearning for companionship. As a dragon, she keeps many treasures she can offer to anyone offering something of worth to her. She created a world, the Dragon Caverns, for her personal study and living, undisturbed by any other being, though she often wants someone to intrude and spend time with her.

*Other Info* The best song to describe her is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c35s3LbhRE&feature=related

*Dragon_Cavern Info* The Dragon Caverns are a set of tunnels and caves underground reaching aboveground. These caverns contain a large library, living area full of claw-carved cave rooms, and a small underground lake with a high ceiling opening up into the sky. The entrance/exits to the caverns open into an open field with plenty of space for dragons and all other creatures to do whatever. The skies are perfectly clear for flying, and the fields are always lush and beautiful. A dense forest grows at one end of the fields, where some dragons and forest creatures reside, and amazing plants grow. Many beings live in this area, including elves, fae, unicorns, humans, and phoenix as well as dragons. Any character is welcome here, including creatures unheard of and/or dangerous. The forests and caverns have special areas set away for magick practicing and/or fighting. In the center of the forest there is a clearing, the personal territory of FlameStar, the creator of the forest, cavern, and fields.

*Residents of Dragon_Cavern*
If you would like to live here or own some land, email jessiepink8@gmail.com or whisper FlameStar if she's online.
